Hidden, the dark side series. 2021-22
Series 215 x 50 x 3 cms aprox, composed by four pieces of 50 cms diameter each.
Techniques: mixed technique: natural dyeing, wet, nuno and needle felting, embroidery, acrylic painting.
Materials: Merino wool, Leicester wool locks, silks: chiffon, ponge, raw; cotton velvet, embroidery cotton threads, mulberry silk in threads, tussah silk, acrylic painting.
The dual relationship that the human being develops with the elements of which matter is composed according to the Greek Empedocles: fire, earth, water and air, to which ‘spirit’ would be added in Egyptian culture, is ambiguous and complex. Nature has its secrets, its power and its own spirit and humans struggle to tame them, to subdue them…we do not yet understand nature´s hidden essence, it will always be hidden, a dark side to us.

The awakening of Vulcano, offers fire, destruction, death, ashes, but at the same time it is a powerful and exciting spectacle of smoke, color and heat, which reminds us of the ambivalence between beauty and destruction…nature speaks to us about life.

Vesta, the Roman Goddes of hearth, home and family, was rarely depicted in human form, more often represented by the fire of her temple in the Forum Romanum, as it represents the art of maintaining the fire of the home and the internal temple. Her delicate revelations speak about the needs of the inner world: the home symbolizing the warmth of emotions, the solar center of each person, group or community, and the needs of the outside world: productivity and money.

Deep sea/MarAdentro represents the water in different states, in different systems, it is the water that gives us life but also the one that, with its fury or contamination, can take it away from us…this piece present water as oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, lagoons, underground water tables or even rain, developing a wide range of blues, whites and greens, with details of textured silk, embroidery and heavy wool.

Selene, the goddess of the moon, after her brother Helios (sun) finishes his journey through the sky, begins her own when night falls on Earth. She is therefore in charge of not leaving mortals in the dark when the sun hides on the horizon. But the moon has a dark side is full of mysteries, anguish, and sadness as she is in love with Endimion, who is mortal.